Hello there! As you might have noticed, this is a completely now blog post, which will be posted every 13th of the month. During every blog, you will be presented and informed about a new magical creature, that you might be interested in, or that you might not know a lot about! This week is all about the...
The Augurey is a beautiful creature. As many might now, the animal is considered a bird, and it also goes under its alternative name: The Irish Phoenix. It is a mortal creature, and is actually only rated XX, even though many might believe that its rating is much higher. It usually lives in Britain and Ireland, which means you can risk seeing this creature if you travel to either of those places - and seeing a bird in its natural habit is some of the most amazing! When it comes to fashion, the Augurey definitely got it - it has beautiful blue eyes, and its feather are also no joke. They are a beautiful green and black color, depending
on how the light hits them. While some people who sees it for the first time might wonder about its rather mournful appearance, I can promise you that it is not only a gorgeous, but also an amazing bird.
If you ever wished to hold one of these cute creatures, then you should know that its diet is relatively easy. It simply eats fairies and flies, but you can also let it hunt by itself - it will usually do this in heavy rain, so it might be a bit harder if you live in a warmer place. The creature itself is shy, and preferred to stay for itself, but if you wish to get a glimpse of it then you might have good chances - you just need to know what you are looking for. Usually, if you hear cries resembling those of a waterfall, then you know you are near the creature. But, you might also be careful with this cry. Old tales told that the cry of an Augurey warned about death - of course, research have told that Augureys actually just sing when it rains, but you can never be too carefuk.

Now that you have heard about the Augurey, I wonder what your thoughts about eh bird is. Do you like it? Or maybe you can't stand it's cries? No matter what, let me know in the comments - alongside which other creature you wish to learn more about!

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