Are you interested in the fantastic magical beasts of our world? Have you ever wondered what it would require to have creatures such as Jobberknolls or even Lethifolds as pets? Then fear no more! Through Northwoods Magical Encounters you get to learn more about your upcoming pet, alongside what it would require of you to hold it. Make sure to read every edition, and you will soon find the perfect pet for you!
Today's topic is the... Hinkypunk!
What does the creature look like?
The Hinkypunk is known for its rather unusual appearance. People would describe it as being a one-legged creature, which is rather short and has no face. They were see-through, and most of their body seemed to be made up of smoke, but they body also seemed to have two arms and one leg.
What is its abilities?
While the Hinkypunk might seem sweet and cute, it is actually a rather powerful creature. It carries a lantern with a flame, which it uses to guide travellers away from their paths and have them get lost in unknown areas. If you get close enough to them, they are also capable of taking a part of the flame from their lantern and throwing it after you, which could lead to some serious burns and scaring if you are not careful.
Where does it usually live?
The creature is only known to be native to Scotland. It is unknown whether it naturally lives in any other places, but it is believed that they might have been brought around by magical travellers.
How well would it be to hold as a pet?
Hinkypunks is an interesting creature, know for its not always so kind motives. Since the creature does not have a mouth, it is an easy pet to hold, seeing as it does not need to be fed and it does not need water. The Hinkypunk is able to solidfy if you throw Lumos Duo on it, meaning that it is a creature that prefers the dark, and would not have fun being outside in the sunlight. Of course, there is also a bit of a dangerous aspect as the pet does seem to have a bit of attitude and could throw fireballs at you. But, if you are not scared of the dangers that the pet might cause you, it might be a great pet for you. You just need to be mentally strong, seeing as the creature is known for trying to trick people, and it is also a rather noisy animal, so I definitely suggest that you need to be used to such noises before getting one.
Let me know underneath what you thought about the Hinkypunk! Would you be interested in holding it as a pet, or do you prefer for it to stay in the wild?
Let me know in the comments below if there are any other creatures you wish to learn more about - who knows, maybe it might be the perfect fit for you?