Hello there! As you might have noticed, this is a completely now blog post, which will be posted every 13th of the month. During every blog, you will be presented and informed about a new magical creature, that you might be interested in, or that you might not know a lot about! This week is all about the...
The Jobberknoll is mostly recognized by its color. It was small, but also blue in color - something that is quite easy to notice, if you end up meeting it in the wild. Of course, you can only do that in Northern Europe and North America, but if you ever end up traveling, it is worth trying to get a glance of this beautiful bird! Even though it is magical, many does not actually notice its magical abilities. You might wonder why, correct? Well, it is because the bird never makes a noise - not a single chirp. Actually, it is quiet in almost forever, which is nice if you
do not like bird sounds, but when it finally comes to the end of its life, it suddenly shows why it is a magical bird. When that happens, you will hear a scream - this is not just any scream. It is a scream that includes every sound it have ever heard through its whole life, but it is done backwards, which is quite an ability!
While I would not suggest holding this bird as a pet, you probably would be able to do it without any problems. It is easy to feed, as it only eats small insects, which easily can be found in the nature, or bought in different pet shops. It also has other users, which might give you a reason to hold it as a pet, cause its feathers can be used in potions. For some reason, they are usually used in potions that has to do with memories, which is quite interesting, as it means its feathers must mess with your memory in some way. All in all, this bird is only XX, which also means that every magical person should be able to handle it, just like any other pet, so there is no reason to not go out and get yourself a blue bird now!
Now you have gotten a bit of information about the Jobberknoll, so what do you think of it? Do you believe that it is useful or rather useless? Also, please let me know if there is any magical creatures you would love to learn about in the future.
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