The Secrets of Jobs
Issue #1

written by
Alicia Arkwright
Hi, It's Alicia, and I'm so happy to to introduce you my new blog! As you may have seen from the title, today we will discover an amazing job: the Plot Team. Thank you very much to the members of this fabulous team for answering my questions, and let's start the interview without further delay, have fun! ♡ |
Alicia Arkwright
Hi! First of all, what exactly is your job?
Laura Garfitt
The job of the plot is to create the site-wide events you see around the site, our latest plot was the Candy Chaos with the aging potions.
Avery Arkwright
As a member of the plot team, we help plot/plan and put on events for the users here on WoP UK!
Ziara Evans
Plot Team! Or chaos creators. Whatever you want to call it.
Aspen Silvertounge
Basically the role of the plot team is to come up with fun and creative storylines to make the site more interesting for everyone involved. We create a topic where we can discuss cool ideas and then, once the topic has been shared, we do our best to share and promote it!
Alicia Arkwright
What motivated you to apply to this team?
Laura Garfitt
I was motivated to apply for the job as I found when I was looking for a Job on WoP it fit best around my IRL life and I also wanted to be able to help create the events so overall I was motivated to join due to how well it fit my life style IRL and continues to do so.
Avery Arkwright
I'm an imaginative person and I love brainstorming ideas! I find planning and organizing events to be fun, hence why I decided to apply. I've had no regrets, the whole team is amazing!
Ziara Evans
My love for planning events and simply just creating things for others to enjoy. I always enjoyed participating in plots on WoP and each and every one always put a smile on my face. So, once I knew that participating in creating these was an option, I applied as I wanted to give that feeling of enjoyment to others.
Aspen Silvertounge
It would probably have to be my love of both the wizarding world universe and my overactive imagination! I love coming up with cool headcanons and theories that may have happened in this world and helping to actually make them happen is incredible!
Alicia Arkwright
How did you feel when you found out you were accepted to the team, and when you arrived?
Laura Garfitt
Not going to lie I was a little shocked my application probably wasn’t one of the best so finding out I got the job was a big surprise (I’m also pretty sure I forgot I applied for the job so that might be a construction)
Ziara Evans
Excited. Over the top excited. I'd always wanted to be a part of the plot team so actually getting on it was such an amazing feeling. Then when I arrived, it was just an overwhelming feeling of kindness. Everyone was really helpful and welcoming and I immediately knew that it was the job for me.
Aspen Silvertounge
I was thrilled! At first I was a little unsure what to do as I had recently taken up a position in the library but it all worked out in the end!
Alicia Arkwright
How do you come up with an idea for an event and how does the organization go?
Laura Garfitt
Not going to lie I was a little shocked my application probably wasn’t one of the best so finding out I got the job was a big surprise (I’m also pretty sure I forgot I applied for the job so that might be a construction)
Ziara Evans
Well, first we brainstorm ideas. After that we pick one idea and begin to flesh it out more. Once we have an overarching story, we begin to work on the individual details (each detail is taken by a member). So, one person may be creating a wallpost, one an article, one a topic post, etc. Then we take each individual detail, put them together and you have a plot!
Aspen Silvertounge
As I briefly mentioned earlier, to come up with an idea, we create a topic and everyone shares their ideas. Some plots may take longer to plan than others so we may push some of them back a year or two to allow more time for planning. Once we've settled on an idea we can start working on the details of exactly how the plot is going to work!
Alicia Arkwright
What is your favorite thing about your job?
Laura Garfitt
My favourite thing about the job is seeing it all come together at the end and seeing the character development we can help make with the plots and people finding out more about the characters on WoP.
Avery Arkwright
My favorite thing about the job would probably be getting to plan along with work out the details for each plot event! It's a lot of fun collaborating ideas to come up with plots.
Ziara Evans
Creating the plots for sure. Getting to use so much creativity within this job is something I really enjoy.
Aspen Silvertounge
I think my favourite part would have to be discussing potential storylines with other people who get just as excited about these things as I do!
Alicia Arkwright
What would be THE word that would best define your team?
Laura Garfitt
Chaos?! We can be chaotic but that’s what makes the Plots Lpots!
Avery Arkwright
I'd say if I had to define the team in one word, I'd use imaginative. Everyone has so many great and creative ideas!
Ziara Evans
Aspen Silvertounge
That's a really hard one but if I had to pick one I'd go with Creative because that really sums up everyone on the team!
Alicia Arkwright
What would you say to someone who is hesitating to apply for the plot team?
Laura Garfitt
Do it you won’t know if the job is right for you if you don’t apply and try it, and if you are unsure about what plots do feel free to message Max or any lilacs I’m sure we’d all be happy to give you more information I’d even suggest if your not sure getting involved with the plots that’s a fun way to know if you’d like the job.
Avery Arkwright
I'd say to go for it! You'll never know unless you try. Who knows, maybe you'll really like it! In the words of Robin Ryan, "You'll never know what you can achieve until you try. Just never, ever give up."
Ziara Evans
Don't be afraid to share your ideas! Nothing is too chaotic or big. If you really enjoy using your creativity to create things for others to enjoy, then apply! We have a really fun team who would love to welcome you!
Aspen Silvertounge
It's a really fun and rewarding job so if you think you've got some cool ideas on plots for your fellow students, this is definitely the job for you!
Alicia Arkwright
Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions! Do you have any last words to say to end this interview?
Laura Garfitt
If you have any ideas for an upcoming plot please put them in the Slug Club so we can see them and you could see your plot come to life!
Avery Arkwright
If you have the time, work well in a team, and love brainstorming ideas, you should think about applying for the Plot Team! Also, thank you so much Alicia for this chance to be interviewed by you!
Ziara Evans
Be sure to check out the plot team application if this interested you, it's definitely a really fun team to be a part of.
Aspen Silvertounge
I think that's it! Only thing I'll say is there's a new plot coming in a few weeks time so make sure to interact wit
And here we are, thank you to them for their wonderful answers and for taking the time to do this interview! I hope you enjoyed this blog and had fun reading it. See you soon for a new blog, have a great day! ♡