
World of Potter Yearbook #1

Made by Tjay Gillywood
Welcome to the first Yearbook of Hogwarts!
Each week I will present to you a selected group of people who are linked to Hogwarts. Teachers, Headmistress, Head of Houses, students, Chiefeditors and so on.

Some have worked here and others are just walking around the hallways to say hello to other students and graduates!

So give it up for the first four:

Elmindreda Arkwright

"I came to pee and tea, but I blue it"

Giovanni Giglione

Teacher Study of Ancient Runes
"Loves comes to you, not the other way around"

Charlotte Thane

Head of Hufflepuff
"I'm a shorty and I do a lot of workies"

Nathan Adams

Teacher of Astronomy
" I want to be like a caterpillar. Eat a lot. Sleep for a while. Wake up beautiful"

Feel free to send an Owl with your Name, FC and a Quote to me ,TJAY GILLYWOOD, and I will make sure you will be featured in one of the yearbooks as well!
See you all next week.

Best of wishes,